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Top 5 pausahaan campuran beton

Top 5 Pausahaan Admixture Beton

5 perusahaan campuran beton luhur sacara global, dumasar kana ayana pasar, reputasi, sareng penawaran produk, nyaéta:

Daptar eusi

1.Master Pangwangun Leyuran (BASF

BASF mangrupakeun supplier global ngarah tina admixtures beton. Aranjeunna nawiskeun rupa-rupa produk, kalebet plasticizer, superplasticizer, entrainers hawa, sareng akselerator.

Brand ieu diwangun dina leuwih 100 taun pangalaman dina industri konstruksi. Portopolio produk komprehensif kalebet campuran beton, aditif semén, tulangan kasar sareng microfiber pikeun solusi beton sareng kimia pikeun konstruksi jero taneuh.

Punten dicatet yén Master Builders Solutions ayeuna pinuh fokus kana produksi sareng komersialisasi Sistem Campuran di Amérika Kalér, Eropa, Inggris, Australia, sareng Selandia Baru.

Divisi Sistem Konstruksi di luar Australia sareng Selandia Baru, sareng bisnis Admixture Systems di Amérika Latin, Timur Tengah, Afrika, sareng Asia dijual ka Sika efektif 2 Mei 2023.

Solusi Pangwangun Master (BASF)

2.Sika :

Kantor pusatna di Lyndhurst, New Jersey, Sika diadegkeun dina 1937 sarta ngabogaan leuwih ti 1.700 pagawé di 22 lokasi;

Produk Sika mangrupikeun supplier utama produk kimia khusus sareng bahan industri anu ngalayanan konstruksi sareng pasar industri, kalebet transportasi, laut sareng otomotif.

Téknologina museurkeun kana sealing, beungkeutan, dampening, tulangan sareng panyalindungan.

lini produk Sika urang ngawengku bahan roofing, admixtures beton, mortir husus, résin epoxy, sistem tulangan struktural, lanté industri, sealants, adhesives, akustik husus sarta bahan tulangan.

sika Beton Admixture Daptar Produk

3.GCP Applied Technologies

Kantor pusatna di Alpharetta, Georgia, AS, GCP gaduh manufaktur, R&D sareng pangkalan jasa téknis di sakumna dunya.

Kalayan kantor penjualan sareng distributor di sakumna dunya, kami ngalayanan para nasabah di langkung ti 100 nagara.

GCP Nyiptakeun kelas anyar alat bantu ngagiling semén taun 1935

Ngenalkeun campuran pangurangan cai dina 1956

Diluncurkeun dina 1965 mémbran waterproofing Self-adhered pikeun ngaganti waterproofing cet-on

Dina 1968 kalawan Cementitious, panyalindungan seuneu-dilarapkeun semprot nyadiakeun alternatif awét pikeun low density fireproofing ngajaga baja struktural ngalawan ravages seuneu.

Ngawanohkeun Roofing underlayment di 1978; téhnologi mémbran anyar pikeun ngajaga ngalawan angin-disetir hujan jeung és bendungan

1985 Ngaluncurkeun PERM-A-BARRIER: Halangan hawa pikeun rakitan témbok sareng superplasticizer Beton.

Afterwards, urang neruskeun ngamekarkeun tur ningkatkeun produk

Daptar Produk Campuran Beton GCP

4. Fosroc

Fosroc mangrupikeun produsén internasional sareng supplier bahan kimia kinerja pikeun industri konstruksi, kalayan fokus khusus dina beton sareng semén. Fosroc nyayogikeun solusi konstruksi lengkep from advice and training to on-site support alongside world-renowned products.

Fosroc is a British heritage brand that started over 80 years ago and has become the brand of choice for construction companies, offering a wide range of products and brands including Nitoproof, Nitoseal, Proofex, Supercast, Conplast and Dekguard.

Fosroc serves customers in a wide range of market segments including Transportation, Utilities and Industrial through an extensive network of offices and manufacturing sites across Europe, Africa, Middle East, India, North Asia, South Asia and East Asia, with distribution in many geographies Traders represent other regions.

Fosroc Concrete Admixture Product List

5. RPM International Inc (Euclid Chemical):

RPM International Inc., a $6.7 billion multinational corporation whose common stock trades on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol RPM, is held by approximately 840 institutional investors and 202,000 individuals.

RPM International Inc. operates four reportable segments, including Building Products, Performance Coatings, Consumer Products, and Specialty Products.

The company has a diverse product portfolio with hundreds of branded products, many of which are leaders in the markets it serves. Excellence in specialty coatings, sealants, building materials and related services.

RPM Concrete Admixture Product List

These are well-known brands in the world-leading concrete admixture industry, and have played a very important role in global industrialization.

It should be noted that when selecting a suitable concrete additive supplier, a comprehensive evaluation should also be carried out based on project needs and quality requirements, and the cooperation and technical support with the supplier should also be considered.

In terms of cost-effectiveness, China has a large manufacturing infrastructure and labor resources, enabling Chinese concrete additive manufacturers to offer competitive prices. In terms of infrastructure, this may be a good choice.

Chinese Concrete Additive Manufacturers

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