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What is polycarboxylate superplasticizer? What are the main features?

Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer

Polycarboxylate superplasticizer is the third generation of high-performance superplasticizer. At present, Chengli Building Materials R&d and production of polycarboxylic acid-based high-performance water reducers can generally be divided into two categories: one is based on maleic anhydride as the main chain grafted with different polyoxyethylene (EO) or polyoxypropylene (PO) branched chains; Another methacrylic acid-based backbone grafted with (EO) or (PO) branches. Polycarboxylate superplasticizer has the following characteristics:
1. Improve the mechanical properties of concrete. Because it has a good water-reducing effect and increases the structural density of concrete, it can increase the compressive, flexural and tensile strength.

2. Excellent plastic retention performance, because the steric hindrance effect of the extended polymer side chain effectively hinders the secondary agglomeration between cement particles, so the polycarboxylate water reducer has high dispersion performance and can maintaining this performance for a long time realizes the excellent plastic retention performance of the concrete mixture.

3. Effectively improve the durability of concrete, reduce the alkali-aggregate reaction of concrete, and improve the freeze-thaw resistance of concrete.

4. Good water reducing rate, polycarboxylate water reducing agent has good water reducing performance at low dosage (generally 0.2%~0.3%, equivalent to the mass ratio of dry base to cement), especially in high-grade concrete (C50 Above) is more obvious, and its maximum water reduction rate can reach 40%;

5. Dimensional stability. Concrete mixed with polycarboxylate superplasticizer can effectively improve its shrinkage and creep performance, have good dimensional stability, and reduce the risk of cracking.

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