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콘크리트용 폴리카르복실레이트 고성능감수제의 적절한 투여량은 얼마입니까?

폴리카르복실산염 고성능감수제

폴리카르복실산염 고성능감수제 is a high performance water-reducing agent used for concrete. It mainly plays the role of reducing water consumption and increasing concrete strength. It is suitable for normal concrete projects with strength levels from C15 to C60 and above.

The amount of additives for one cubic meter of concrete is determined according to the requirements of the concrete mixing station/factory. Different concrete grades have different admixture parameters. The general low-label parameter is 1.8%-2.2%, and the dosage is 5-7kg.

PCE water-reducing agent is a high-efficiency water-reducing agent with excellent dispersion. The water-reducing rate can reach 30% or more at saturation dosage. The general dosage range It is 0.25%-0.8% per 100kg of total cementitious material. For special cement or aggregate, this range may be appropriately exceeded. It is recommended that the mixing time be at least 150s to achieve good water reduction effect. It can be compounded with various retarder and sodium lignosulfonate.

Adding water reducing agent to concrete can remove part of the water in the concrete and appropriately change the properties of the concrete. However, if too much is added, it will also cause changes in the properties of the concrete. Adding too much will have the following effects:

1. For water-reducing agents that only have water-reducing properties, excessive dosage will cause excessive concrete slump, segregation, bleeding, and concrete hardening.

2. If the amount of water-reducing agent with retarding air-entraining effect is too much, the concrete will be excessively retarded and the air content will be too high, which will cause the concrete to set too slowly and reduce the strength of the concrete.

Under normal circumstances, excessive addition of concrete water-reducing agent will cause the concrete to become brittle. Therefore, before using water-reducing agent, the optimal dosage must be determined through trial preparation according to the construction requirements and material characteristics of the actual project before putting it into use. This will ensure that the water-reducing agent can exert its maximum performance and avoid overdosing or underdosing.

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