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폴리카르복실레이트계 감수제와 나프탈렌계 감수제의 차이점은 무엇인가요?

폴리카르복실레이트 고성능가소제

Different water reducing rates

The water-reducing rate of polycarboxylic acid-based water-reducing agents is significantly higher than that of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents. Under the condition of exceeding the same water-reducing rate, the dosage of polycarboxylic acid-based water-reducing agents may be smaller than that of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents; in addition, as the dosage increases, the ultimate water-reducing rate of polycarboxylate water-reducing agents far exceeds that of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents, while the dosage of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents exceeds the limit when the dosage is around 2.0%, which shows that polycarboxylate water-reducing agents are more suitable, it is more suitable to make low water-cement ratio high-strength concrete.

Different mechanisms of action

The mechanism of action of polycarboxylate water-reducing agent is mainly based on steric repulsion. In addition to steric repulsion, it also has a strong air-entraining isolationballeffect and the effect of reducing solid-liquid interface energy; the naphthalene series water-reducing agent has The mechanism of action is mainly electrostatic repulsion, and there are almost no other beneficial effects on water reduction.

Comparing polycarboxylate water-reducing agents and naphthalene-based water-reducing agents, which one is better ?

• rom the perspective of usability, 폴리카르복실산염 고성능감수제 has strong plasticity retention and can effectively control the loss of slump over time without having much impact on the hardening time of concrete. It has a large reinforcing effect and has shrinkage resistance, which can more effectively improve the impermeability and frost resistance of concrete, and can improve the durability of concrete to a greater extent than naphthalene-based water reducing agents.

• From a price point of view, the price of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents is generally cheaper than that of polycarboxylate water-reducing agents. However, taking into account the dosage and use effect, the cost of using polycarboxylate water-reducing agents may be lower.

• From the perspective of environmental protection performance, the production process of naphthalene-based water-reducing agents has certain pollution to the environment, while polycarboxylate water-reducing agents adopt environmentally friendly green synthesis production processes, which can save cement, improve concrete performance, and promote green concrete, Sustainable development of low-carbon concrete technology.

In summary, polycarboxylate water-reducing agents are better than naphthalene-based water-reducing agents. Polycarboxylate water-reducing agents are also a major trend in the development of water-reducing agents in the future.

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