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생산 전 배치에서 폴리카르복실레이트 고성능가소제 액체 모액의 제조 실험

Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer (liquid)is the third generation of environmentally friendly liquefied superplasticizer with high-efficiency water-reducing performance. It offers high workability and high durability. It has been extensively used in concretes in constructions of highways, bridges, dams, tunnels, high-rise buildings, and other projects, including normal concrete, pumped concrete, self-compacting concrete, and high-strength concrete . It shows excellent performance especially in the applications of high-durability and high-performance concretes.

Polycarboxylate superplasticizer liquid is the which is beneficial to improve the workability of concrete mixture, reduce bleeding, and improve the appearance quality and durability of hardened concrete.

The concrete prepared with polycarboxylate superplasticizer mother liquor will not have obvious segregation and bleeding even under the condition of high slump, and the concrete appearance color is uniform. When used to prepare high-grade concrete, the concrete has good workability and cohesion, and the concrete is easy to mix.

Specifications of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Liquid

안건Type Specification
모습light yellow to brown viscous liquid
Solid Content (%)50±1.0
Chloride Content (%)≤0.02
Total Alkali%≤0.3
Package220kg /drum or 1100kg IBC/tank

Applications of 폴리카복실레이트 고성능가소제 액체

• Super high strength concrete

• Ready-mixed concrete with maximum water reduction requirements

• Self-compacting concrete (SCC)

• High slump concrete

• Pumping concrete for long-distance transportation

• Configure various concretes with high fly ash and mineral powder

• Formulate durable concrete with impermeability, high moisture retention, and freeze-thaw resistance requirements

• Plane and mass concrete

• Formulate durable concrete with impermeability, high moisture retention, and freeze-thaw resistance requirements.

• Prefabricated / prestressed concrete

• High fluidity concrete

• Fair-faced concrete

• Vibration-free self-compacting concrete

Properties of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Liquid

• High water reducing rate.

• High slump retention.

• Low dosage

• Early strength and high strength.

• Better workability.

• Good adaptability with different types of cement and admixtures.

• Good stability.

• Good solubility and fast dissolution rate.

• Environmental friendly

• Replace cement with more slag or fly ash, thereby reducing costs.

We are the source manufacturer of Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Liquid and are looking forward to collaborating with you.

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