What are the functions of various concrete admixtures?
First, alkaline water reducer: can improve the fluidity and strength of concrete.It can save concrete usage,and improve the durability of concrete.Excessive incorporation will lead to
First, alkaline water reducer: can improve the fluidity and strength of concrete.It can save concrete usage,and improve the durability of concrete.Excessive incorporation will lead to
Concrete water reducing agent | Solid concrete water reducing agent | Polycarboxylate Based Superplasticizer A client from Jordan has had several previous contacts with our
Polycarboxylate superplasticizer (PCE) is also called polycarboxylate ether superplasticizer, polycarboxylic ether based superplasticizers, polycarboxylate admixture, polycarboxylate type of superplasticizer. It is the best superplasticizer for
Concrete admixtures play a crucial role in modern construction. Some of them can enhance the durability of concrete, ensuring a longer service life and reducing
The temperature for adding early strength agent to concrete should not be lower than -5 ℃. When the daily temperature is within the range of
Heddiw, ymwelodd cwsmer o Nepal â'r ffatri i archwilio'r hylif superplasticizer polycarboxylate. Derbyniodd ein gwerthwr y ddau gwsmer hyn a ddaeth o bell a
Gwnaeth Binzhou Chengli Building Materials Co, Ltd gytundeb cydweithredu diwydiant-prifysgol-ymchwil gyda Phrifysgol Technoleg Qilu (Academi Gwyddorau Shandong). Yr Athro Zhang Zhiliang a
Mae concrit yn gymysgedd o sment, tywod, dŵr ac agregau sy'n darparu cryfder a gwydnwch i unrhyw strwythur y mae'n cael ei ddefnyddio ar ei gyfer. Ei briodweddau uwchraddol
Mae yna gwsmer o Rwsia sydd wedi bod yn chwilio am gyflenwr newydd o superplasticizer polycarboxylate.Although ei fod wedi cydweithredu â gwahanol superplasticizer polycarboxylate o'r blaen,
Cynhyrchu awtomataidd yw sicrwydd ansawdd Deunyddiau adeiladu Chengli, ac mae'r llinell gynhyrchu yn cael ei reoli gan ganolfan ddata ryngwladol bwerus. Y broses gyfan
Yn ôl eich anghenion, addaswch ar eich cyfer chi, a rhowch gynhyrchion mwy gwerthfawr i chi.
Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi o fewn 1 diwrnod gwaith, rhowch sylw i'r e-bost gyda'r ôl-ddodiad “@chenglicn.com”.
Gallwn ddarparu samplau am ddim i chi eu profi
Byddwn yn cysylltu â chi o fewn 1 diwrnod gwaith, rhowch sylw i'r e-bost gyda'r ôl-ddodiad “@chenglicn.com”.
Gallwn ddarparu samplau am ddim i chi eu profi