De 8.30 a 17.30 h



Precautions for the use of polycarboxylic acid ether (PCE)

L'ús de PCE superplasticizer requires comprehensive consideration of factors such as the method of addition, adaptability, construction environment, and safety. During use, we should strictly follow the requirements determined by the product manual or test to ensure the quality of concrete and the construction effect. The following are detailed precautions for use

1. Addition method and proportion

· Addition method. The most common method of using Superplastificant a base de policarboxilat is to add it together with the mixing water, usually later than the initial part of the mixing water. The specific addition method needs to be determined by test to compare the plasticizing effect of different addition methods in cement paste, mortar or concrete mixture.

·Dosage control. The dosage of PCE based superplasticizer needs to be strictly controlled to avoid concrete performance problems caused by excessive use. The dosage of PCE water reducer of different brands and models may be different, so it should be used strictly in accordance with the dosage determined by the product manual or test.

2. Adaptability and compatibility

·Cement adaptability. The adaptability of polycarboxylate ether superplasticizer to cement may vary depending on factors such as cement type and grade. Before use, an adaptability test should be conducted to determine the compatibility of the

water reducer with cement.

·Compound materials. When necessary, PCE water reducer may need to be compounded with other admixtures such as air entraining agent and defoamer to adjust the performance of concrete. When compounding, attention should be paid to the compatibility and mutual influence between the admixtures.

3.Construction environment and conditions

·Temperature control. During the production and use of PCE superplasticizer,attention should be paid to temperature control to avoid the influence of high or low temperature environment on the performance of water reducer.

●Storage conditions. The PCE polycarboxylate superplasticizer should be stored in a cool, dry and well-ventilated place,

avoiding direct sunlight and rain. At the same time, it should be kept away from fire and heat sources to prevent fire or

explosion accidents.

4. Other precautions

·Water seepage problem. When using PCE polycarboxylate ether, attention should be paid to observing the water seepage of concrete. If water seepage problem occurs, timely measures should be taken to adjust it, such as adding viscosity enhancer.

·Appearance quality. For concrete projects with high requirements for surface quality, attention should be paid to controlling the dosage of PCE superplasticizer and the use of compound materials to avoid appearance quality problems such as yellow-brown spots.

Our professional technical team is available 24/7 to address any issues you may encounter while using our products. We look forward to your cooperation!

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