De 8.30 a 17.30 h



Concrete Additives-Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer Liquid

Concrete is a mixture of cement, sand, water, and aggregates that provide strength and durability to any structure it is used for. Its superior properties make it ideal for a wide range of applications, including building foundations, sidewalks, driveways, and highways. And concrete mainly additives can be listed as following: Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer(liquid or flake types); PP Fiber; Anti-cracking agent and other chemical additives. Today we will introduce (CL-WR-50) Superplastificant de policarboxilat 50% de contingut sòlid (tipus reductor d'aigua alt)

(CL-WR-50) Superplastificant de policarboxilat 50% de contingut sòlid (tipus reductor d'aigua alt) is a high-performance, eco-friendly concrete agent that is ideal for improving the early and late strength of concrete and gypsum products. This product is based on polycarboxylate and is a new generation of high-range water-reducing agents that can enhance the compactness and durability of concrete and gypsum products.


1、High Performance: (CL-WR-50) Superplastificant de policarboxilat 50% de contingut sòlid (tipus reductor d'aigua alt) is specially designed to improve the strength of concrete and gypsum products. It can enhance the early and late strength of such products significantly, facilitating faster and better construction.

2、Eco-friendly: This product is safe and eco-friendly, making it an excellent choice for environment-conscious buyers. It does not contain any hazardous materials and is easy to use.

3、Water-Reducing Agent: (CL-WR-50) Superplastificant de policarboxilat 50% de contingut sòlid (tipus reductor d'aigua alt) can significantly reduce water consumption in concrete and gypsum products, making them more efficient and cost-effective.

4、Increased Durability: This product can improve the compactness and durability of concrete and gypsum products, making them less prone to damage and wear and tear.

Applicable Scenarios:

(CL-WR-50)Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer 50% Solid Content(High Water Reducer Type) is ideal for various construction scenarios. It is perfect for high-strength concrete, high-performance concrete, precast, and reinforced concrete. Additionally, it is ideal for manufacturing gypsum products such as gypsum board, plasterboards, and lightweight blocks.

Applicable Population:

The product is suitable for all types of buyers. It is perfect for use by construction companies, contractors, architects, engineers, and homeowners who are looking for a reliable and efficient concrete agent for their construction projects.

Cost Performance:

(CL-WR-50)Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer 50% Solid Content(High Water Reducer Type) is a cost-effective product that offers excellent value for money. It is competitively priced and can help reduce the overall cost of construction while improving the quality of the finished product.

In conclusion, (CL-WR-50)Polycarboxylate Superplasticizer 50% Solid Content(High Water Reducer Type) is an excellent product for anyone looking for an eco-friendly, high-performance concrete agent that can improve the early and late strength of concrete and gypsum products. It is easy to use, reduces water consumption, improves durability, and is ideal for various construction scenarios. Additionally, it is competitively priced, making it an excellent value for money option for all types of buyers.

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